About Debbie
Over six years experience supervising a variety of professionals
Post Graduate Certificate in Professional Supervision (Level 8)
Over 20 years as a supervisee
Professional Supervisor
in education as a Social Worker in Schools
in statutory care, involving court work
in health, within a hospital setting, general practice and a supporting community organisation
Fields of Practice
A manager, co-founder of a youth trust, a board chair and board member
Worked in many team settings, social work and multidisciplinary
A sole worker, knowing the challenges of isolation and startup work
My Experience
Woman, partner, mother, sister, friend, dachshund owner, cat employee, artist, coffee and chat devotee, book group member and
ebike commuter
Debbie Hollebon
working with families
group work
facilitation of professional meetings
not-for-profit sector
child protection
Social Work
Some details
I approach my supervision from a reflective practice standpoint. This offers a space for people to review their practice and grow their skills in accordance with their own goals.
I am keen to discuss with you your self-care, work life balance, safe practice and safe boundaries in the workplace.
I live in Nelson but happily work online.
I am:
an attentive, warm listener
a person who values humour
I enjoy:
a coffee with friends
belonging to a book group
dabbling in oil painting
My partner and I have adult children, who we wish lived in Nelson, but it does mean we know Christchurch and Dunedin quite well! However, we share our home with a dachshund and a long-suffering cat.
​I work interprofessionally, which means I can work with supervisees from a different profession.
Interprofessional supervision benefits us both by:​
Providing time and space to reflect on practice, to understand previous experiences and consider how these impact on approaching work.
​​Highlighting the commonalities in each profession and we learn from each other – I’m not the expert!
Supporting you in your work environment, to work with fellow staff members, managers, your pupils and other colleagues outside of the office in a safe manner, is not reliant on being in the same profession as the supervisee.
Creating the chance to be aware of what makes our professions different and challenge the accepted norms of our practice - I will inquire about your practice, your Code of Ethics. This, as well as obtaining further skills and knowledge from other disciplines, results in improving practice.
As a full professional member of ANZASW and a Registered Social Worker with SWRB, I am bound by the professional code of ethics and conduct of both organisations.